The Freebord community is not just about carving down hills; it’s a global movement that celebrates the spirit of camaraderie, inclusivity, and the love for the ride. The Best Community Event category at the Freebord Rider Awards 2023 recognizes the outstanding efforts of ambassadors and organizers who brought the community together in extraordinary ways. Here are the top 5 nominees:

👉 Bingen – German Freebord Festival

An annual extravaganza, the Bingen event in Germany stands as a testament to the vibrant German Freebord community. Organized with meticulous detail, this event attracts riders from all levels, creating an immersive experience that fosters community spirit and showcases the best of German Freebording.

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👉 Rems Invit

Led by the legendary rider Rems, this event has become a tradition, drawing old-school riders and enthusiasts alike. With around 40 participants, Rems Invitational offers not only challenging hills but also a lively party at the local brewery Faye, creating an unforgettable blend of competition and camaraderie.

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👉 Morocco Event

Initiated by the Rookie of the Year 2022, Adnane Chiboub, the Morocco Event marked its debut in 2023. Adnane’s passion for Freebording and his role as a guide brought riders from around the world to explore the thrilling hills of Morocco. Beyond Freebording, the event embraced local experiences, including surfing and savoring the rich culinary delights of the region.

👉 Wasatch Invitational

Held in the USA, the Wasatch Invitational has emerged as one of the largest Freebord events in the country. Organized by the dynamic trio of Jordan Steiner, Caleb Casey, and Eddie Wait, this event not only attracts a massive turnout but also promises a blast with great hills, fostering the growth of the Freebord community in the USA.

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👉 Rzeczka – Polish Freebord Gathering

Poland reclaims its prominence in the Freebord community, thanks to Marcin Kusterka and the Rzeczka event. Serving as a flagship gathering for Polish riders, this event is a delightful mix of fun and camaraderie, creating lasting memories for all participants and reinforcing the strong presence of Freebord in Poland.

These nominees represent the pinnacle of community engagement and event organization within the Freebord world. As we applaud their efforts, let’s anticipate the announcement of the winner at the Freebord Rider Awards 2023! 🎉🌐 #BestCommunityEvent #FreebordAwards #RideTogether

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